Honesty Is The Best Policy

Photo from here.

If you do the right thing, honesty will be your guide. But, if you will be crooked, you will be trapped by your own dishonesty.
- Proverbs 11:3

I had a stressful day today. I had an investigation, together with other authorities, about a case of dishonesty... stealing a considerable amount of money. It involved one employee who's been in service for almost 10 years. It's a sad and disappointing case. 

I was saddened by the fact that it involved money and an old employee. I still couldn't grasp the idea of the case. Just like the other cases we have investigated, it was of fateful discovery.

I was disappointed because the person involved did not make use of the chance to defend herself. We asked her if she could explain the circumstances and yet we only received a blank face for a response. She briefly cried but I could not sense the sincerity and truthfulness of each drops of tears from her eyes. 

After about three hours of trying to convince her to tell the truth and enlighten us of what transpired, the investigation ended (still) with doubts of her honesty. She's caught with the twists and turns and inconsistencies of her statements

Everyone in the room knows that it's a ground for dismissal and having known that, if I were in her situation, I will accept my fault, ask for forgiveness and accept the consequences. I will be terminated but at least I have been true to them and to myself even for the last time. We knew she did it because she has financial problems in her family. If she did confess it and we felt her remorse, we could have given her another chance... but, what chance can we give if she did not humble herself?


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