Holy Week Reflection: Forgiveness and Moving On

I had a blog post two years about forgiveness. I honestly have forgotten about it and that maybe it was  Divine providence that I was able to read it again a few weeks ago and for me to contemplate about what happened since that post. A few days after re-reading it, my son's dad called asking if he could spend a day or two with him. I said yes because I want my son to feel that he has a father despite everything. While waiting for my son to come home from school, we had a little chat. It was awkward at first but our conversation went well. After almost ten years of separating, I finally heard him say sorry. He didn't elaborate but I knew in my heart what he was talking about. I just gave him a nod to confirm that he's forgiven. When that moment happened, it felt like a heavy yoke was lifted from my shoulders and I knew at that point, we have both moved on.

I now fully believe that healing comes in time. If you allow yourself to be fully healed by that hurt, you must first accept that you yourself made a mistake, understand that it happened for a reason, forgive yourself and then forgive the person who did wrong to you. You can never move on if you keep on holding grudges and pain from the past. And above it all, pray.

Prayers are answered not in our time, but in His perfect time.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. - Ephesians 4:31-32


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