Dream Interpretation: Dry River Bed

I had a quick nap this afternoon. I have been frequently sleepy these past few days because of my late night vice of watching videos in YouTube... or was it probably because of the cocktail drink in a pouch (yes, in a pouch like a juice) that I bought from a convenience store out of curiosity? Nevertheless, I bet it was not enough to cause me to have such an unusual dream.

The sequence of my dream is already mixed up in my head but I vividly remember one man, my lover, who was with me and we were swimming with friends in a river. Funny how I remember he was an engineer, older than me by 5 years, and he bears a very familiar surname. He's tall, around 5 feet and ten inches, with black straight hair. His scruffy round face did not hide his good looks. Yes, I was attracted to him--he was my lover in my dream. A few swims and I noticed that the river had dried up.

Another scene was in the exact same room where I took a nap. He entered the room and laid down beside me, hugging me. I could feel the warmth of his scruffy face on my cheeks. We were both looking at a clock as if the magic brought by fairy godmother would disappear by midnight. We didn't talk. We were anxiously waiting for the time. A few minutes before the time, I heard him cry. Wail. I was crying silently while we watches my tears flow down my cheeks.

And then I woke up.

According to mydreamvisions.com, the river symbolizes the course or path of life, a relationship or project in your life. A dry river bed signifies that your life is empty or not moving forward. There is a need for fulfillment.

Dreaming of another lover according to dreammoods.com is compensatory for the unsatisfactory or unfulfilling relationship in your real life. To see another person crying maybe a projection of your own feelings to someone else. Your crying signifies a release of negative emotions. To dream about time indicates fears of not being able to cope with the pressures and stresses of life.


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