Random Clicks: Cebu!

The view of Mactan Island from our boat.

I can't believe I forgot to post my first ever Cebu trip with my sisters! We went there last October 2013. It almost didn't happen because Cebu and Bohol were rocked by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake. We were so scared because of the reports of aftershocks but we can no longer move the date because my younger sister will be back in the US the following week. So we went, with all courage and prayers for guidance and safety. 

We stayed in a cheap but decent hotel in Mandaue, it is about 30 to 40 minute taxi drive from Mactan Cebu International Airport. Although there were many public transportations, we opted to ride a taxi for convenience. If I remember it correctly, we paid a little over 6 thousand pesos for two family rooms for three days. Not bad, eh?

The Magellan's Cross.

Day 1 of our stay started with a tour at the Magellan's Cross in the compound of Basilica del Sto. Nino in Cebu City. There were many tourists like us but I guess it's fewer compared a few weeks ago before the earthquake. The overall feel of the city is much like Manila, only it is cleaner. We spend the entire afternoon at the Ayala Center.

Snorkeling the crystal clear water of Cebu.

Day 2 was beach day. There are a lot of resorts in Cebu. We went to Cebu Beach Club for the kids to enjoy both the pool and the beach. Their fee is reasonable, I think for 150 pesos each. And it is consumable. We ordered pizza and it tastes great! What's not so good about our experience on day 2 is the expensive boat ride. We paid 8 thousand pesos for less than half a day of ride and we didn't even go island hopping... it is purely snorkeling and it is not even peak season! In Hundred Islands, Pangasinan we only paid 1,500 pesos for a whole day tour with authentic island hopping experience!

Can you gues on my son's face if he enjoyed the food?

After a disappointing boat ride, we went to Rosewil's BBQ for a refill of carbohydrates. We're Asians and no rice means war. We ordered seafood dishes and barbecue and boy we were so full! 

My son posing before conquering the zip line.

That night, my younger sister and her husband brought my son and our two nieces to Crown Regency Hotel in Cebu City for an extreme zip line experience. My son was so brave! And I was so worried! He enjoyed it so much.

A tourist never leaves without buying a souvenir t-shirt.

Day 3 was shopping day. I opted to stay in the hotel because I was so tired. I just asked them to shop for me and besides we have to be at the airport at 12 noon for our flight back to Manila. A tour in Cebu will not be complete without bringing home danggit and dried squid. 

So there you have it. I hope you enjoy your summer!


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