Lowest of Lows

This week is just one of those days when I feel I am at my lowest...

Let me explain.

My house was flooded for days because the public works had to widen the road so they dumped soil to flatten and make even the surface. The excess soil covered our drainage system. When we asked the contractor to remove the soil so that water will not stagnate, the foreman said it's another contractor's job. I was so devastated to hear the lack of concern. That moment of truth hit me... it is not war but the lack of concern that will annihilate us. We were forced to spend money to hire someone who would dig up the soil to get rid of stagnant water that is attractive to dengue mosquito, leptospirosis and all other debilitating diseases.

Monday is the first day of work and the only day in our weekday wherein all department heads gather for a flag raising ceremony... I was expecting to receive some words of encouragement from our boss to get us through the week with enthusiasm, but to no avail. I almost spend my days working to the point of sometimes neglecting my obligations to my child only to make me feel like a worthless human being in just one day. How can someone be so insensitive? I have lost all my enthusiastic energy in just one day. It felt like the longest and most agonizing day in my entire career. If you are a boss, never ever reprimand in public, you don't know how much damage it will make to an employee. 

I am still recovering from the blows I have received. I am still praying that tomorrow will be a better day.


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