10 Disney Management Principles

I dream of going to Disneyland even when I was still a kid. I grew up watching all the Disney princesses and I think that Mickey Mouse is the most lovable mouse ever. Indeed there is some sort of magic that makes people dream of going to the happiest place on earth. How Disney maintain that certain level that is beyond comparison is something that tickles my imagination.

When I went to the bookstore to find reference books for my research, I stumbled upon a book entitled The Disney Way by B. Capodagli and L. Johnson. I read the foreword and before I know it, I was already at the cashier paying.

I could not put the book down. It was amazing reading their management principle is almost the same as any other large companies, maybe, just maybe, the only thing that differentiates Disney from the bunch is that the have with them the most committed and happiest employees who believe in their vision to make Disneyland the happiest place on earth.

I will let you in on Disney's 10 Management Principles that you too can apply in your company.

1. Make everyone's dreams come true
2. You better believe it
3. Never a customer, always a guest
4. All for one and one for all
5. Share the spotlight
6. Dare to dare
7. Practice, practice, practice
8. Make your elephant fly
9. Capture the magic with storyboards
10. Give details top billing

Recommended Reading: If Disney Ran Your Hospital by Fred Lee.


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