New Book: Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

I am a Paulo Coelho fan. I like his style of writing, he simply puts me into a different world each time I read his book.

I went to a bookstore and found this book on the featured rack. I was immediately drawn to take a look and then found myself walking towards the queue at the cashier to make a purchase. I could have bought it on Kindle but holding a real book would be a nice change even for a while.

I am currently on page 50 and so far so good. Here is an excerpt from the book that is inspiring.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Just read Manuscript found in Accra by Paulo Coelho in less than six hours. There was not actually an inspirational journey of a fictional character but the style was more like that of the Manual of the Warrior of Light as it was merely a collection of wisdom quotes spoken by the Copt. There was nothing about Accra. Some quotes by Jesus Christ, Kahlil Gibran and Alfred Lord Tennyson were directly quoted without naming the source. There were discourses on almost all topics like work, love, sex, defeat, anxiety, death , etc. For every reader there is something. Sometimes the discourses appeared as if they were from Bhagavadgita like cycle of birth and death, duty and faith. Not the best of Paulo Coelho but still worth a read. Keep reading. :)

    1. I just finished reading it and I agree with you, it's not the best of Paulo Coelho but it is still worth the while. I wouldn't recommend it to "beginners", though. Thanks for dropping by!


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