I survived Managerial Accounting!

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
- Nelson Mandela

Well, my Managerial Accounting subject is not yet officially over since we still have classes on Saturday and I still have to pass my take home final exam. But, I am pretty sure (my confidence level is at its peak) that I will move on to the next chapter of my MBA... Information Management System.

The moment that I learned that I will have an accounting course, butterflies immediately went fluttering into my stomach. It reminded me of the days when my least liked subject was Accounting 101. Looking back to my experience, the frequent basic accounting I meet everyday at work and the cold and clammy feeling I get while reporting process costing and budgeting... I can say that you can never really escape from your fears. Face your fears. Face them more often until you feel you are not afraid anymore. 


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