New Book: The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino

I actually bought several books over the weekend and I haven't finished reading Rich Dad Poor Dad yet... All are e-Books from Kindle. I love my mom so much for letting me use her account to buy books that I desire.

1. Organizational Culture Change: Unleashing your organization's potential in circles of 10 by Marcella Bremer (I think something needs to change in our organization)

2. The World According To Monsanto by Marie-Monique Robin (I am into conspiracy theories lately)

3. The Existence of God by Francois De Salignac De La Mothe-Fenelon (just got curious of the title)

4. 30 Days and Counting by Leslie Symth (finished reading this just in time before Romney-Obama debate)

5. What Makes People Tick? Handwriting Analysis X-ray To the Soul by David J. Riffey (just got curious whether my handwriting reflects the kind of person I really am)

6. Butcher of Venice by Irmgard Rawn (one suspense novel to break the monotony)

7. Frozen Delight by Saffron Sands and Forbidden Fruit (finished reading this short erotic novel, kinkier than Fifty Shades of Grey)

8. The Greatest Salesman by Og Mandino (this excites me the most)

This book excites me the most because I am a marketer and a salesman by profession and I believe that this book will help me unleash my full potential.


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