Accounting 101, Banking and Finance

Our professor in our Special Topic course in MBA class is really awesome! He is too awesome because he was able to inspire me to buy books about banking and finance. Me becoming interested in a subject involving accounting is way beyond my wildest imagination. In fact, Accounting 101 is one of my least liked subjects when I was in high school. It is one of the reasons why I favored taking up a science degree course  in college rather than a business course.

I really admire our professor for allowing us to understand the lucrative banking industry in the simplest possible ways. His Socratic style of teaching really fires us up each time. And he is generous in giving a recitation grade to anyone with the smartest question and answer.

I specifically bought this book, Money Credit and Banking, because the authors' examples involve companies and financial institutions in the Philippines... something that I can relate to because I know more or less what is happening in my country.

I bought this  book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki because I've read his book The Real Book of Real Estate, and I like his perception of things. My mom is a certified real estate agent in the US and she was generous to lend me her Kindle account for me to read her selection of e-books, including Kiyosaki's. My dear friend also have read Kiyosaki's other books and he would cite quotes and excerpts from those.

I believe this book will help me answer my take home final exam. Wish me luck!


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