Flower photography using iPhone 4S and Instagram filters

Lo-fi filter

Just trying out how versatile a camera an iPhone 4S can be. I took photos of these flowers around my grandmother's garden and I am impressed about the result. I used some Instagram magic here just to add a little drama to the photos taken by a wannabe professional photographer. By the way, follow my Instagram here. I can say that iPhone 4S + preset lens filters is the closest thing to owning a DSLR. Remember my post about the 10 things I will accomplish before the year ends? It includes owning a DSLR. Since iPhone 4S already impressed me, I would really really like to have a macro lens or SLR mount for a more professional looking photos. I am dying to have them!

Amaro filter

Lo-fi filter

X Pro II filter.

Amaro filter

Amaro filter

X Pro II filter


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