The Santa Cruzan

St. Helena with Constantine.
Each year, during May, in almost every town in the Philippines, there is a Santacruzan. It is a parade commemorating the pilgrimage of Reyna Elena (St. Helena) to Calvary, together with other reynas including Mary Magdalene, in finding Jesus' cross. This Catholic tradition is usually celebrated every 3rd week of May.

The Tres Marias.

Reyna De Virgines.

Reyna Divina Pastora.

Traditionally, the Santacruzan is arranged in this order according to WikiPilipinas:

Methuselah - a bearded old man cooking grains of sand in a pan over fire. He represents the transient of life... the return of all things to ashes and sand.

Reina Banderada - a young woman wearing a red gown and carrying a triangular flag that represents the coming of Christianity.

Aetas - they represent the Filipino pagans before the coming of Christianity.

Reina Mora - represents the dominant religion before Christianity.

Reina Fe - represents faith and carries a cross.

Reina Esperanza - represents hope and carries an anchor.

Reina Caridad - represents charity and carries a red heart.

Reina Abogada - defender of the poor and oppressed. She wears a black toga and carries a book.

Reina Sentenciada - represents the innocents and unjustly convicted. She is bounded by a rope and guarded by Roman soldiers.

Reina Justicia - represents justice. She carries a sword and weighing scale.

Reina Judith - represents Judith of Pethulia. She carries a head of a man and a sword.

Reina Sheba - represents power and riches. She carries a jewelry box.

Reina Esther - the woman who saved her countrymen from death and destruction. She carries a scepter.

Samaritana - she carries a jug to her shoulder. She represents the woman to whom Jesus spoke with at the well.

Veronica - the woman who wiped Christ's face with a cloth on his way to Calvary. She carries a a bandanna with Christ's face imprinted.

Tres Marias (Mary Magdala, Mary the Mother of Christ, Mary the Mother of James) - they carry a bottle of perfume, a handkerchief, and a bottle of oil respectively.

Marian - represents the different titles of Virgin Mary. They wear white dresses and carry each of the letters of Ave Maria.

Divina Pastora - the divine shepherdess. She carries a staff.

Reina de las Estrellas - the queen of stars. She carries a wand with a star.

Rosa Mystica - she carries a bouquet of roses.

Reina Paz - the queen of peace.

Reina de las Propetas - the queen of the prophets. She carries an hourglass.

Reina del Cielo - the queen of heaven. She carries a flower and is surrounded by angels.

Reina de las Virgines - she carries a rosary and is surrounded by angels.

Reina de las Flores - the queen of flowers. She carries a bouquet of flowers.

Reina Elena - Queen Helena (St. Helena), the discoverer of the true cross. She carries a cross and is escorted by the young Constantine.

The devotees follow the parade holding candles while reciting the Rosary.


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