Quick Notes

Last year was a challenge for me. It was also rewarding. God has been so good to me that I could not find any good reasons to complain. I may have failed to fulfill my duties as a Catholic but despite that, He has showered me with more blessings that I could handle. I didn't even ask for some. 

I started to feel "vacation" only after the 29th of December. Although rather short, I was able to spend 4 meaningful days with my family. We spend New Year's Eve in grandmother's house, we watched a movie, and even get to experience farm living for a while. It was fun!

I am now on work mode, but still misses waking up at noon and sleeping so late. I could already sense pressure as early as today. I have to condition myself again for me to survive another year at work.

I celebrated my fifth year at work, well, at work. So lame. I am grateful (seriously) that I was able to serve a truly unique group. There is nothing else in the world like it, believe me. I could not wait for the salary increase to come. Har! Har! It's my service incentive.

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes. It's not the song popularized by Ace of Base nor the sign of apparition. It is my self-statement.

I will turn 3-0 on the 22nd. If you've read my previous entries about my concerns of aging... well, it doesn't concern me anymore. It is just a number. I don't feel like getting older anyway, only wiser.


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