10 things I will accomplish in 2012

I don't normally do lists of to do's. It is actually one of the things that I don't like to do because I am spontaneous and looking on a list makes me feel pressured. But, I have changed.

I have reached the 3rd decade of my life and in the next years before I reach my 4th, I want to accomplish the things that I know will make me say 'I have lived my life to the fullest.'

This year, I am going to make a list of the 10 things that I want to accomplish for 2012. I have started with getting a driver's license when I turn 3-0, and now I have it. I like the feeling of accomplishing personal goals without the pressure.

This list is not according to importance or priority. 

1. I will take a Civil Service Examination. I wanted to be a licensed professional.
2. I will take the TOEFL. I need it for my career abroad.
3. I will be more adept in Photoshop.
4. I will have a DSLR. Although, I really really love my Canon PowerShot A3200 IS, I wanted to own a DSLR because I can use it in my online career. See number 5.
5. I will be a serious blogger.
6. I will go to one province in the Philippines, outside Luzon.
7. I will go to Enchanted Kingdom with my son. The first time he went there was last December... without me, because I have work.
8. I will teach my son to write his full name. He'll go to school on June and I want him to be prepared for the opening.
9. I will make home improvements, either in the kitchen or bedroom.
10. I will open another bank account that I will regularly deposit.


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