I was once a b2b telemarketer

I was once a b2b telemarketer of an Australian company back in 2007. It was a trial job after working in a government office for almost three years as a clerk. I only had vague idea on what a telemarketer is supposed to do. Years back, telemarketing is something you only get to picture in a call center company and only a few industrial companies had b2b telemarketing division. I thought calling another company to offer a product was simple. It took some time before I was able to somehow master the art of telephone communication that incorporates marketing and eventually, sales. Hearing yeses from clients was the most rewarding thing a telemarketer can experience.

Being a b2b telemarketer is not easy. You have to be tactful, assertive but not pushy and know by heart what you want to say and sell. If want to build a career in this field you have to know these:

1. Motivation - first and foremost, you have to have the passion for it, otherwise, you'll end up being frustrated for each rejection.

2. Product Knowledge - what I learned from reading marketing books is that the secret to selling is knowing what you sell... from its raw state to the finished product.

3. Know the Call Format - companies have their own call plan. Read and memorize it.

4. Attitude - it is harder to sell on the phone because you don't see the reaction of the person. It is important that your client knows, through your voice, that you are someone he or she can trust.

5. Know the Customer - you don't sell dog food to someone who owns a cat.

6. Visualize Your Success - if you think of failure, then, it is failure that you will get. A b2b telemarketer must be an optimist at all times. Business is but a pool of rejection and if you will see it that way, you will never get to meet your quota.

7. Enjoy the Success -  celebrate a sale even if it is the only sale! And recollect what strategy you made to get that sale and stick to it.


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