Dream Interpretation: Carnival, iPhone, New Baby

Photo from here.
I had a series of dreams with no connection with one another last Sunday.

In my first dream, I was merrily watching people on a carnival ride. I just watched them for a few minutes and then I left.

In my second dream, I was inside a mall looking for a cellular phone to buy... particularly an iPhone 4S. Yeah, I long to have one that it even haunts me in my dreams.

In my third dream, the weirdest of the three, I gave birth to a baby girl. I was rushed to a hospital and was immediately sent to the delivery room to give birth. I was assisted by a surgeon (I could still remember his name) instead of an OB-Gyne. There were a couple of nurses and midwives who were also assisting other expectant mothers. It was not the typical delivery room, more like a delivery ward. I was in bed number 4, beside a huge window. I told the surgeon that I have had previous delivery via Cesarian Section. He said we should continue delivering the baby the normal way. I pushed and pushed until the baby girl was out. I could see the doctor assessing the baby. He holds her on her feet. I asked him why isn't the baby crying. He said there is nothing to worry about because she is breathing. I still could not believe why I gave birth in the first place.

According to Dream Moods:

Carnival - means falsehood and deception. Much sorrow will arise in what were thought to be pleasant times.

Cell Phone - seeing a cell phone in dream means you are being receptive of new information. It also represents mobility. Alternatively, it denotes lack of understanding. Perhaps you are having difficulty getting through someone.

Birth -  to dream of giving birth denotes giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents a new attitude, fresh beginnings or a major event. Alternatively, it means calling attention to your inner child and the potential for you to grow. A more direct interpretation would be your desires or anxieties of giving birth or the anticipation for such an event to occur.


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