What's up with me?

It has been a while since my last post. I was really busy the past weeks that updating my blogs (yep, I have tons) everyday was not possible.

So, what's up with me last week?

My new career in marketing is taking a lot, and I mean a lot, of my energies lately. If being in the IT department was stressful, make it double this time. I had to meet deadlines each time and had to make sure that people know what we are up to. It is like a whole new world for me. Despite the stress, I like where it is taking me. It is making me more sociable and I get to meet new friends.

Last week totally tested my stress meter. It was hard but I am glad I survived it. I am now actually looking forward to another stressful work next month.

Another good side of it all is that, behold, I have moved on. Completely moved on. I am ready to go back in the dating scene. I kinda missed it. 


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