Tonight's Dinner: Fried Mackerel Scad and Nido Soup

I wasn't able to cook chicken a la king (obviously) because I did not go to the supermarket to buy the ingredients. Instead of chicken, I cooked mackerel scad and nido soup for dinner. Sounds like something you only eat in restaurants but it is actually the Philippines' famous daing na galunggong. The fish is marinated in vinegar and garlic for at least 24 hours and then sun dried to perfection so that it will become crispy when cooked.

Photo from here.
It is actually best eaten as breakfast with fried rice and tomato.

I cooked nido soup just to have something hot to sip. I admit to being too lazy this day because I used Knorr's Nido Oriental Style Soup mix. Hehe!

Photo from here.
As usual, my son and I got so full.


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