50 Questions Challenge: Day 1 to 4

Remember the 50 Questions post?  I will try to answer/accomplish it one question a day.  There are fifty questions so that means that this page should be accomplished in fifty days. 

I have actually started four days ago about this but I put it in a separate page.  I thought it is best that I do it one blog entry per day instead of doing it in one page.

Here are my answers in the past four days of the challenge.

October 15, 2010
1. How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment?

- I am angry... I will have to buy another digital camera because my son broke it.  I am not angry at my son, he's two and I know he didn't mean to break it.  He's just curious.  Argh!  At least the last photo it took were photos of my older sister and her youngest daughter, our Aunt Jeng who I haven't seen in two decades (yes, twenty years), her friend, my son and myself.  We had dinner at Balinsasayaw in Silang, Cavite, reminisced the good old days and did a little souvenir shopping.  Maybe the blurry photos is a sign that I should replace the digital camera and it was just my son who made me notice.     

October 18, 2010
I missed three days so that means I am going to answer three questions today.  
2. What is your fondest childhood memory? Who was there? What was going on?

- I hope I will not burst into tears answering this.  Well, the fondest would be time with my Papa.  I remember when we were still living with our grandmother (his mother) I had fever.  He asked me what I want and he'll get it for me.  I said I want hamburger.  Needless to say, he got me a hamburger instantly.  Almost every time spent with him involved foods.  He cooks really great.  I especially love his arroz caldo.  It is actually the food that I miss most of the time.

3. How comfortable are you in your home?

- I am comfortable enough to do silly things.  I live solo with my son just beside my older sister's house.  It is the independence that made me decide to have my own house.  It is like having full power and domination over the things inside my house, I control who enters, I decide what to do with it.  It is nice to feel that I am the boss of the house.

4. How comfortable are you in your town/city? State?

- I live in a small town, away from the busy suburb and heavy traffic... I love it!  It is a place where I grew up, had a child and I can see myself growing old in my town.  It developed right before my eyes in conjunction with my growing up.  We used to play on the street, hang out in the nipa hut that our grandfather built just outside the house, greet passersby, exchange stories in the afternoon up until before dinner time.  Men and women wake up really early to plant or harvest crops.   Everything that we need in our life is just a walk away.


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