Signs... How I Love Signs!

Do you always pray for signs... signs that he is the one for you, sign that you will pass the board exams, signs that you will win the 100 million jackpot in lotto?  I once prayed for a sign but I did not ask for a specific one.  I forgot about what I prayed for and maybe the sign thing was granted but I was too preoccupied to notice it so I was not able to say thanks.  

Signs... ask for a specific one, as specific as this road sign.  If you have accidentally or intentionally kick him in the cock... it is a sign that he is not for you, it could mean you will not pass the board exams or you will never win any lotto jackpot.


  1. hahaha ... if i would have told this to my friends they would either say. cool.

    or you are thinking to much and you are putting a meaning behind everything! lol :) i could just imagine!

  2. i bet they will say the second one. funny! =)


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