Hate Meetings? Play Bingo

I hate meetings, specifically long meetings without an output.  I think those are just a waste of time, energy and resources.  And more often than not, in the middle of a boring and pointless discussion I end up making doodles, frequenting the bathroom, sleeping with my eyes wide open, or practicing out of the body experience.  I actually am running out of things to do just to keep myself  looking awake during meetings.  Today may be my lucky day.  I have found another kill-boredom-during-meetings-activity that will, well, kill boredom during meetings.  Thanks to the Desktop Diva.

*Drum roll, please.

Just cross out the words that will be mentioned during the meeting.  If the five blocks are crossed diagonally, horizontally or vertically, just like in Bingo, you win.  Stand up and shout BULLSHIT!!!

I think I am going to win in less than one minute.


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