Typhoon Basyang

Typhoon Basyang (Conson) came relatively unknown to me.  I know that there's a typhoon but I didn't expect it to be as strong as Typhoon Pepeng.  It was Tuesday night, around 11, and my son was already sleeping  like a rock when heavy rain poured which was then followed by strong gusts of wind.  After a few minutes that seemed like an hour, there was complete darkness.  I said to myself, 'this is going to be a long night'.  I did not sleep for fear of waking up without a roof--or a house.  My answer to every gust of the wind was a prayer that the night will pass with little or no damage.

There was no electricity for more than 24 hours--my reason for not being active in the web.  There were news that it will take 4 days for the electric company to restore damaged power lines.  The news reminded me of a strong typhoon when I was in high school, we had no electricity for 3 days.  My grandmother would iron our clothes using an old iron where you put coal inside to produce heat and cook using wood stove.  My sisters and I would fetch water from our neighbor's well and store it in huge water bins.  It was like being transported to the year of the Katipuneros... everything became primitive, at least compared to what we're used to today.

Earlier today, electricity was back and we were transported back to 2010.


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