Going Under The Knife

 Image from Seoul Beats.

Will you ever consider going under the knife after a certain age?  This question has been asked to a lot of people, mainly celebrities, who are pressured to look beautiful and flawless every single time.  Many admitted to have some "enhancements" made on their features and while some had totally denied it, their before and after pictures tell otherwise.

Way back 2003, an office mate had a nose job.  She's been longing to have a pointed nose ever since she was a child and when she got  the funds for the procedure, she went on with it.  Actually, she didn't tell anyone her reason for filing one week leave so everyone in the office was surprised when she reported back to work.  The funny thing is that she couldn't look straight into our eyes maybe because during that time, cosmetic surgery was not that common.  Her looks improved and hopefully her confidence, too.

I've read too many cosmetic surgeries gone bad, some has had drastic changes that made them look like another person and some patients even died after the procedure.

Cosmetic surgery became a fad that some already developed an addiction to it although they vehemently deny it.  Famous personalities who went under the knife for numerous times are Joan Rivers, the late Michael Jackson and Heidi Montag.  The latter admitted to being addicted to it.

Should you consider any cosmetic procedures, do not be afraid to ask questions.  It is best that you have made a research of the procedure, the expertise of the doctor who will do it, the credibility of the hospital or clinic and other information that you should need to know before.  It is better to be safe than sorry.

If I were to be asked if I will consider going under the knife, I'd definitely say no.  I simply like the way I am and I think, looking beyond my physical imperfections other people will see, I am perfect in the eyes of my loved ones especially in the eyes of God.

There's nothing really wrong with it if it will help an individual gain self confidence but I agree when Oprah said that instead of focusing on the outward imperfections, why don't we focus on healing the spiritual imperfections that make us think we are imperfect outwards.


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