The Whirlwind Romance of Politicians and Naive Voters

On May 10, the people of the Philippines will once again decide the nation's fate and they will again blame each other for voting them after a month.

This would be my second time to vote for the next president and the first time, I admit, I didn't have much thinking on who should have my vote... actually none of the presidentiables got my vote.  Having said that, I have the right to blame the rest of the Filipino voters for voting the incumbent.  I can still wait, anyway it's only a few months left before somebody takes over.

Even before the Commission on Elections proclaim the who's who in every government position, those who didn't make it and those who aspire for greater power already have their plans for the next election.  It is a six-year plan that has to be made perfect so that the naive voters will swoon over their mouthful of promises... I say mouthful because most of their promises end up being puked... even they couldn't swallow what they are promising.

When I was in 4th year college, the mass tried to oust the president., the second time in Philippine history... they succeeded, that's the power of democracy, right? And months after that, there came another people power and then another and then another.  How many more people power should we have before we could find the "right one"?

My elders used to tell me, "Marriage is not something that you have to try first, once the paper has been signed and sealed, it is yours to keep forever."  I would like to associate it with choosing the "right one" in politics.  Makes sense.  Once you cast your vote and the ballots have been counted, you have made the decision to "marry" that politician during his entire term.  The people power thing is what I call a divorce.  I hope you get the association.

On May 10, the Philippines will have its first ever automated election.  A lot have been criticizing the accuracy and cheat free features of the machine and let us just hope that it will prove its millions worth.  The only problem I can see with this new process is the insufficient education drive on how to use the machine... and this would be a challenge in every voting precincts.  I wish you luck dear Teachers.

I am not yet decided on who to vote as the next president, anyway, I still have two months to hear what they have to say, but one thing is for sure, I will not "marry" someone who will make my life miserable.  If ever I made a mistake in choosing the "right one", I will not blame anyone because like me they have been blinded too.  

Should I file a divorce?


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