Rekindling Old Friendships

I got an unexpected message last Friday from an old med school friend that he'll visit me the next day.  I don't want to buy the idea that he'll actually visit because it has been almost six years that we haven't seen each other.  I met him on 2002 in medical school and I had bad first impression on him but that impression changed when we got to get to know each other... we would buy groceries and eat at the parking lot together with our other new friends, gather for a group study, go to Tagaytay after a day of mind boggling exams, and laughing about the weirdest things... it was a lot of fun!  They made my med school days a lot easier.  I left school on the 2nd year for some "weird" reason.  I could still remember them giving me a med school shirt as souvenir... those were the days!

He made his promise to visit and I really appreciate all the effort of coming and tagging along another dear friend.  We had dinner and exchange our life stories.


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