Our Cancer Journey


One of the most dreaded diseases of mankind.  It chooses no one and usually attacks undetected.  So many researches have been made about the disease and fortunately scientists were able to find its prevention and cure

My aunts were not spared of the disease.  They were in their mid-30s when the disease was diagnosed and it was just a lump on their breast that started it all.  Both my aunts have had mastectomy and underwent chemotherapy.  Both became bald in the process but that didn't stop them from living normal lives.  My grandmother in Germany would send both my aunts different types of wigs and silicone breasts to put into their bras, they would even joke about it.  In the process, there are so many questions and although a few went unanswered, we are still grateful to the Lord that there is cure and there is hope.  They recovered after a year and both are working again and living normal lives.

Many, due to late diagnosis, did not survive.  I remembered watching Farrah Fawcet's documentary journey of cancer.  It was really moving and you can see how important it is for cancer patients to have support from their loved ones.

After the family has accepted and went about our way to find cure, whenever we talk about our journey, we just smile and remember that it made the family stronger.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Doctors have said over and over again the importance of regular check-up as our first defense against cancer even without a history of cancer in the family.  I am a mother of a two-year old boy and I believe I am not a responsible mother if I don't take care of myself.


  1. Real sorry about this disease invading the peaceful life of your family.I wish you strength.Just lost a cousin of mine through sickness.She was very young.I guess nature can be mean,sometimes.But it does give a binding strength to family.

  2. I am sorry about your loss. Life sometimes really pushes ourselves to the limit but there's no other way to beat life's challenges other than to face them. Thanks for dropping by.


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