My Tribute's End

This would be my last entry of shoes for the month of February  and the end to my month's tribute to Alexander McQueen in my shoe blog.  I've been away in the blogosphere for quite a while and I want to make my comeback special and memorable by posting the most talked about shoe of the late Alexander McQueen... yes, the infamous "armadillo" shoes from his Paris Spring 2010 collection.

I personally don't like the shoe but on the runway, like what he usually does, it was a spectacular moment in fashion.  The armadillo shoe was first worn by Lady Gaga in her Bad Romance music video but it was Daphne Guiness who had the guts to wear it in an event.  We were all in astonishment when another fashion risk taker, Kelis, wore the same shoe during the 1st Annual Data Awards on January 28, a few weeks before McQueen claimed his own life.  

The armadillo shoe and other McQueen runway OTTs, will forever remind us that fashion has no limits and every design is an acceptable form of art where millions of neurons were put to the ultimate test to put the pieces together.  Just like a family who has lost its member, the fashion industry has lost a great artist, but as the old adage goes, the show must go on.

He will be remembered for as long as the world knows fashion.


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