Coping Up With Workplace Stress

Stress in life is inevitable.
There are different types of stress: chronic, eustress, and workplace stress. Chronic stress is a persistent stress which leads to illness or mental disorder. Eustress is defined as a positive stress that can lead a person to an improved long-term function. Workplace stress, the most rampant of the three, is caused by employment or the industry. Stress is manifested by exhaustion, irritability, inability to concentrate and other physiological manifestations such as headache and elevated heart rate. Different people have different ways of handling stress.

Workplace stress as the most common stress in this technology era and ironic as it seems, despite the numerous technologies available that promise to make the lives of workers easier, workplace stress is still there. Doctors and professionals in occupational health highly suggests the following measures to combat stress in the workplace:

1. Familiarize your workplace. Organize your things and keep your area clean. An organized workplace will reduce your risk of having stress.

2. When problem arises, sit back for a while and do not panic.

3. Give yourself time to have a break.

4. Consult your officemates about certain things but make sure to be polite, you don't want to be the cause of their stress.

5. Vary your tasks. Working for hours doing the same will tire your body. If you are working most of the time in front of the computer, you will most likely develop technology stress. This specific stress is also common in individuals who could not easily adapt with the changes in technology.


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