Blogging for A Newbie

I am a newbie in the blogging industry.  What really put me into blogging is my love for writing.  I basically blog because I want to share my life discoveries and the things that I like to those who have the same interest as mine.  I used to maintain a diary but the dawn of the internet and blog sure made it easier for me to keep an updated journal.  A friend suggested that I sign up for sites that pay bloggers to write about a specific topic or interest, some of the sites she mentioned were Pay Per Post, Social Spark and Blog Advertising Store.  Bloggers have different reasons for blogging, my main intent to having a blog is just to blog but I tried signing up on the sites just to have an idea on how the thing works.

The first two sites require a blog to be at least 3 months old for opportunities to come in while Blog Advertising Store only requires the blog to have a certain Alexa ranking before one can reserve an opportunity.  

I am getting the hang of blogging although I still have a lot of things to learn like search engine optimization or SEO, the use of keywords, blog advertising, hits, blog traffic, and other terms.  It is too early for me to say that I can find a career in blogging but nevertheless I will continue to blog for as long as I can discover interesting topics for my readers.


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