Louis Vuitton's Urban Satchel Bag

This is so absurd... in all of It's In the Bag list of the world's most expensive bags, I could not believe my eyes that Louis Vuitton's Urban Satchel Bag is on number 3.

What you are seeing is not a trash bag from the dumpster... this urban satchel bag by Louis Vuitton sells for a whopping $150,000.  I was trying to analyze why this bag costs that much and for obvious reasons, the numerous packaging of brands from cigarette to gum is displayed all over and not to mention the shrimp tail.  I bet LV paid the rights to include these labels on to the bag.  Who would want to buy a bag as fugly as this???  It was reported that Ashley Olsen has already signed a multi-billion dollar contract to endorse the bag and there are rumors that Anna Wintour and  Victoria Beckham are bidding over who gets it.  The dropped names were not actually a shocker particularly Ms. Olsen.  She has failed me (and a million others) of her poor fashion choices despite her multi-million empire.  Even if it is an LV, I'd rather succumb myself into buying a brand new car... hell, I can do the exact same bag for, let's say, $5 or less (even free).  Let me go check my trash bin.


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