Dr. Drew's Rx Locker as the Solution To Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens
According to the report of the Office of the National Drug Control Policy, prescription drug abuse among teens has reached its alarming rate at 2,500 teens per day for the age bracket of 12-17. It is even alarming to know that prescription drugs like OxyContin (an opioid analgesic) and Vicodin (narcotic analgesic) -- are often sourced from family and friends.
To solve this growing problem, Dr. Drew together with his team invented the Rx Locker--a locking storage device that is designed to hold up to four prescription pill bottles. The special feature of this storage device is the combination lock
protected lid so your medicines will be kept safe and private in your medicine cabinet and away from your kids.
The Rx Locker is only one of the many ways to solve the growing problem in prescription drug abuse among teens. Right knowledge and information are still the best defense against this growing problem.
To get a full review and to order Dr. Drew's Rx Locker, click here.
Dr. Drew Pinsky is a practicing medical doctor and is board certified in internal and addiction medicine. He is the executive producer and host of several television series including "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew", "sober House", and "Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew". He also has several books published like the New York Times bestseller "The Mirror Effect: How Celebrity Narcissism is Seducing America
." For more information regarding Dr. Drew, visit his website www.DrDrew.com.
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