The Inmates are at It Again

Dancing Inmates - Michael Jackson's This Is It @ Yahoo! Video
This is one of the many reasons why I don't lose hope for mankind.  The Dancing Inmates of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) in the Philippines are at it again, now dancing to the tune of Michael Jackson's This Is It. The inmates' first taste of fame was when they all danced to MJ's Thriller and with their success, they were visited by MJ's long-time choreographer Travis Payne together with Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid to teach them how to dance This Is It.

Time and time again, this proves that even the nation's most notorious criminals can be molded into disciplined individuals.  This is one of the best ways to commemorate the King of Pop's invaluable contribution to the entertainment industry.  If he's still alive today, he'd be proud that these guys were able to pull off a great choreography to a great song.  Enjoy!


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