I am not a gambler, the most participation that you could get from me is to play Bingo
. I learned how to play Bingo when I was in elementary, my grand parents together with my other relatives would play it every afternoon in our lawn. Basically, Bingo time is one of our bonding times (really unusual, huh?!). The unusual activity continues up to this time, different players but the same game rules.
My lucky Bingo card.
Last December, I was able to play Bingo during our Christmas party. The price at stake is not that high but everybody was excited to join. At first I was hesitant to buy a card thinking I am really poor at gambling and my pragmatic self tells me that the probability of winning a Bingo black out game decreases as the number of players increases. But, I did not listen. What am I to lose? Play just for fun.
The first number was called and then the second number and so on... My two cards only needed one number each to complete the black out game... I could still remember the numbers were 10 and 65. My heart was beating fast as the Bingo masters were drawing the could-be winning number. Number 10 was called. This is too embarrassing but I screamed and jumped when the Bingo masters confirmed my winning.
Will I try my luck again in Bingo? Maybe, but not sooner.
Will I try my luck again in Bingo? Maybe, but not sooner.
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