
I saw Avatar yesterday and it confirmed the news that most people who watched it felt sadness and disappointment... but it wasn't because the movie was bad but because the story revolves around man's greediness and never ending longing for power.

Jake Sully was a crippled ex-marine who took over his twin brother's role in the Avatar project in hopes of walking again and finding his worth.  After months of training under Neytiri, the Na'vi's princess, Jake got access to their sacred places and he got their trust.  Being immersed in the ways of the Na'vis, Jake started to question his mission and this ordeal became even harder to resolve because he fell in love with Neytiri.  The question now is where would his loyalty be... to his own race whose primary intention in Pandora is to get the Unobtainium  by all means or to the Na'vis who understands and respects the value of every living creature?

So, what part of the movie made me sad?  The scene that caught me was when their home tree was destroyed.  I felt like I lost my own home.  Hearing them wail about their loss was so grasping, I felt like my heart is being crushed.  I actually cried.  I felt hate.

Of all James Cameron's movies, Avatar is my most favorite simply because I felt the movie.  I felt a bit ashamed of what humans are becoming because of greed and power.  Avatar is not at all a product of the writer's imagination... it is actually happening and what better way to wake us up of the issue is through a movie.

"How does it feel to betray your own race?"

This is not a question anymore of betrayal of any race but a betrayal of life in general.  Killing in exchange of  wealth and power is in itself the worst form of betrayal regardless of your skin color or whether or not you are an alien.  In Cameron's email to the Associated Press, he "asks us to open our eyes and truly see others, respecting them even though they are different, in the hope that we may find a way to prevent conflict and live more harmoniously on this world. I hardly think that is a racist message."

 I still can't get over it.

I'll give Avatar 5 out of 5 stars.  Superb 3D animation with equally superb story line.


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