PGMA in the Forbes List of Most Powerful Women of 2009

Forbes released their list of the Most Powerful Women in the World for 2009 and I was half surprised to see Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's name on number 44.  Her term as the president of the Philippines will end on 2010 (hoping and praying).  Many have speculated that she will not give up the presidency because of her support to Charter Change but the Filipinos were mixed emotions when the news broke that she will actually run for a different office--Congress.  Her plan to run for Congress in Pampanga--her family's native province--did not make much positive reactions and commentaries from other politics and economists.  I mean, why?  With all the unsettled issues linked to her and her family, from the Hello Garci scandal, the ZTE Broadband Deal to the recent Maguindanao massacre, aren't those issues enough for her to swallow?  Just asking.


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